Childrens Activities in Hemel Hempstead

Post your Childrens Activity information to:

Adventure Playgrounds - Beavers, Cubs and Scouts - Brownies, Rainbows and Guides - Childrens Activities - Dance Classes - Football - Holiday Playschemes - Pre-Schools and Playgroups - Stage Schools - Toddler Groups
Also see: Hobbies and Leisure - Sport, Clubs & Societys - Youth Groups


worldshapers woodhall farm hemel hempsteadWorldshapers Children’s Centre
Worldshapers are an educational charity passionate about helping the local and global community through educational and training programmes. WorldShapers Children’s Centre in Woodhall Farm and Grovehill. more....

boos hemel hempsteadBOOST Performing Arts (Bovingdon & Kings Langley)
Boost Performing Arts Academy invites all children and young people in the area to be inspired on a Saturday morning. The school is all about, "Boosting Creativity...Boosting Imagination...Boosting Confidence" more...

The Best Start Baby SigningTHE BEST START CLUB
Our passion at is to give each child the best possible start in life. We do this through the multisensory learning of Baby Signing, gestural communication More..

Tiny Acorns Hemel HempsteadTiny Acorns provide a unique baby sensory extravaganza suitable from birth to walking, a junior music based class (walking to 6), Arts and Craft sessions for preschoolers (suitable from birth). Tiny Acorns not only entertains and stimulates your little ones but also provides the opportunity to meet other people more

Dinky Dancers Hemel HempsteadDinky Dancers
Our programme combines an exciting mix of dance activities, P.E. and musical fun to develop children’s creativity and physicality. Preparing for movement through warm-ups is a great way to begin each class and leads beautifully more

“Jacqu’in the Box" Hemel Hempstead“Jacqu’in the Box"
Fun Drop-in musical sessions for babies and toddlers from 0 to 4 years of age.
Designed so that the whole family can participate together in the same session.
Action songs and rhymes with props, puppets More..

little kickers Hemel HempsteadLittle Kickers
Saturdays at Apsley Community Centre.

9.10am-9.55am Junior Kickers, 2 years to 3 and a half 10.05am-10.50am Mighty Kickers, 3 and a half - 5th b'day; 11.00am-11.45am Junior Kickers, 2-3 More..